Wednesday 30 April 2014

Z is for: Zeal

I wanted to thank everyone who has encouraged me throughout this challenge and wanted to show my appreciation by using words from comments to compose my last A-Z post. Its truly wonderful to have support of strangers and friends alike! All the links lead to the person who said it :).  Here I go, out with a bang!

But a day its nice to think about as the day life started, [its] that intense emotion of first attraction, [something that] surely does make one feel bold and bizarre;
[However] Bold is in the mind of the bold-holder...BEholder... be; Yet I still feel this way sometimes when she's around...[I'm] Hooked. [It is most] wonderful;
[But sometimes] dangerously dark, darned creative [and] impressive.
And... what joy past indignities bring; [As] we have all been misunderstood, [in its own beauty making us] whole and not shattered.
[Although] It is hard for me to let the emotions that I have pent up inside come out, [when they do there is a certain] emotional and powerful [release];
[Come on in, I will show you] what I believe about myself... [I hope you can] relate.
[I will hold on to you telling me to] Remember [I am a women] who has the courage to express these insecurities to strangers.
[And I feel so] simply divine. The awkwardness, the anxiety and the unawareness [are] intriguing . [Almost tantalizing but] these moments are all we have aren't they? [And] we all want to love and be loved in return;
Like the simple beauty of a heart longing and crying out to be loved.
Everything will be revealed... all in good time. [But for now we can always] find great life and laughter [when we] stop and think about simple pleasures.
[Though I will admit sometimes] I can feel the exhaustion [it brings and all the] beautifully written [things] and the] meaningful words [we take] from earlier days [that move us on to] a better road;
[I know that life is messy and throws us every which way but I wouldn't trade where I have been, I feel as though I have become so very enthusiastic and wonderfully exposed in the fragments of my life.]


  1. I'm pleased to have met you Christine. Wasn't it an exciting challenge. We made it!
    You wrote a creative post using comments and it's a lovely one. Well done.

  2. What an amazing idea. I have to say this is one of my favorite Z posts. You "did" find a way to finish with a bang. Good job.
