Wednesday 2 April 2014

B is for: Bold and Bizarre

The moments rush is slowly slipping away and I want it back,
I want to feel my heart racing and my stomach turning, my breath raged against the empty silence.
I need to feel the quick release of inhibition and reason.
Every thought in my mind screaming yes. yes. yes.
Yes please, allow me to dive in to those deep blue eyes.
Look directly in and let that lifeless guard down.
Don't silence those desperate words.
Watching carefully as my features come alive around your incandescent presence and I sigh;
I thought it would slip away,
just disappear.
But the sight of you makes it stronger yet.
My heart has found its way to the bottoms of my rib cage and it is such a strange sensation;
I like it though my throat has become more restricted.
It is your face painted distractedly on the back of my mind.
It is your understanding reply, that untainted beauty and miraculous smile.
And I can't ignore the reservoir of depth beyond my comprehension.
I am taunted,
but unbothered and I need to stand up but I am forced to be seated.
I'll admit, I think of you far more often then I should.
I  am so dizzy with infatuation that I would probably only scare you away;
But it's more complicated then that.
In the most bizarre of ways,   
All I really want to say is I like you.


  1. You've captured well that intense emotion of first attraction. It surely does make one feel bold and bizarre!

    Happy A-Zing
    Laurel's Leaves

  2. WOW! I loved it. I hardly say that about writing on blogs. I'm glad I chose to view your blog today. She is my girlfriend, yet I still feel this way sometimes when she's around or in the room. Just perfect.

  3. Bold is in the mind of

  4. Nice. Enjoy your A to Z blogging this month.

  5. Your first few words hooked me. That's how you can tell a good writer . . .

  6. Visiting on day 3 of the #atozchallenge with all my fellow writers. I appreciate all the hard work it takes to participate. I hope you make many new blogging friends.
