Friday 2 May 2014

From Fall to Winter

Her fragile hands land softly in mine by accident;
Brushing by almost unnoticeable and I'm lost.
Simply and uncontrollably lost.
If the world revolved around her quiet and tender voice I would want for nothing.
I would crave never again because my ears just beg to hear her over and over.
Her smile makes my heart jump noisily and her giddy quiver of excitement is all too much to bare.
I am at a lose for words which happens often but not usually like this.
Not usually when I want so badly to speak and cant but not for lack of words.
I can see how we fall in love,
Can imagine our first kiss and how we'd talk for hours and she'd nuzzle herself close to me;
Making me feel like there's no where in the world she would rather be.
And I'd smoother her with a million kisses just because my lips wouldn't be able to resist.
She's magical.
But good things have a catch
Like a fall day terrified of the cold but optimistic about the spring
When the leaves can feel brand new again and nothing can stop the flowers from bursting into bloom,
Or the birds from singing their proud albeit annoying song
And the wind from greeting the sweet smells and spreading them along.
I just want you I can cry into an empty abyss but the words never follow the ache in my heart.
As though all my teeth have disappeared.
And I've lost.
I wish I could just show you me, not this crazy person dancing in my head and
All the stupid things I do when I get this way or the nervous impatience that carries it;
And I can't compete.
I won't imagine falling in love with you, because I'm already there.
Won't wonder, won't cry, won't show you won't ever tell you.
Maybe its better that way.

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