Saturday 8 February 2014

Hopeful Doubt

Its easy to love but forget to be loved; to fall and forget to get back up; to hurt but forget why and to tremble but forget its okay to be scared.    
Sometimes its just saying yes when its what you need to hear. Saying yes because all you've heard is no. Picking up the dead leaves others have pulled from your branches and starting over.
Its like falling asleep because you don't know what else to do or making a mess out of everything you thought you knew. And feeling lonely even when everyone's around and you're stuck in a big empty crowd, with nothing to say. Its pointless tears when no ones around, or heartache so deep you're going to drown. And speaking out but no one hears and singing loud for your own ears. Feeling lost with no direction.
But you're okay. Or atleast so they say. And you'll get there someday.

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