Below are some guidelines.
1. Link back and thank the blogger who nominated you in your post.
2. List 11 facts about yourself.
3. Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you.
4. Pick 5 - 10 new bloggers (must have less than 300 followers) to nominate.
5. Ask them 11 new questions. Do not re-nominate the blogger who nominated you.
6. Go to each blogger's site and inform them of their nomination.

11 Facts About Myself
1. My favourite colour is yellow- my car is yellow.. :)
2. My favourite book is Great Gatsby
3. I don't like Valentines Day but love romantic gestures
4. My favourite ever TV couple is from as the world turns right before they ended it
5. I want to travel the world
6. Andrea Gibson is one of my favourite poets
7. I am graduating from 4 years of University this year
8. I have two siblings one of which is 11 months younger then me
9. I love autumn
10. Writing and art are my outlets
11. I love Marilyn Monroe
11 Questions Asked of Me:
1. Why kind of shoes do you prefer to wear? (You can tell a lot from a person's shoes.)
Flip Flops :)
2. What was the saddest moment of your life? If it's too sad to talk about, then what was the happiest moment of your life?
When we found out my grandma was sick in November and she cried and told me she was sad she would never see me get married. And then when she passed away in February.
3. What kind of pet do you have or would like to have? If you don't have it, why?
Use to have a dog named Gizzmo; if I could have a pet now I would have a pug named Batman, a monkey or a bearded dragon named Loki. Land lord wont allow pets
4. What is your favorite flower/plant/tree? Do you have them in your home?
My favorite flowers are Daisies and Orchids, My favorite trees are weeping willows. I have orchids :)
5. What would you say is the happiest sound in the world?
Laughter :), my mom has the loudest most eccentric laugh ever and I love it
6. Everyone has a vice. What's yours?
Love limitlessly
7. Who is your favorite character in a novel?
Jay Gatsby
8. What was the last movie you watched that you absolutely loved?
The Other Women was good
9. If you could go back in time to any era, what era would that be?
Easily the 60s
10. How would you sum up your life, so far, in twenty words or less?
Coming together everyday
11. What is your advice to living a happy life?
Flip Flops :)
2. What was the saddest moment of your life? If it's too sad to talk about, then what was the happiest moment of your life?
When we found out my grandma was sick in November and she cried and told me she was sad she would never see me get married. And then when she passed away in February.
3. What kind of pet do you have or would like to have? If you don't have it, why?
Use to have a dog named Gizzmo; if I could have a pet now I would have a pug named Batman, a monkey or a bearded dragon named Loki. Land lord wont allow pets
4. What is your favorite flower/plant/tree? Do you have them in your home?
My favorite flowers are Daisies and Orchids, My favorite trees are weeping willows. I have orchids :)
5. What would you say is the happiest sound in the world?
Laughter :), my mom has the loudest most eccentric laugh ever and I love it
6. Everyone has a vice. What's yours?
Love limitlessly
7. Who is your favorite character in a novel?
Jay Gatsby
8. What was the last movie you watched that you absolutely loved?
The Other Women was good
9. If you could go back in time to any era, what era would that be?
Easily the 60s
10. How would you sum up your life, so far, in twenty words or less?
Coming together everyday
11. What is your advice to living a happy life?
Love yourself, do things that make you smile; accept the good and the bad as they come, life will always change and things won't always be happy but know you're never alone
My Nominations:
Bradley Ott @
Debbie Green Razey @
KayCee K @
Julius Largo @
Ginni-Lee Naylor @
Questions To my Nominees
1. When building lego always follow instructions or improvise?
2. When did you first start writing and why?
3. Who is that last person who made you feel special?
4. If you could be any animal what would you be?
5. Single best part about your day so far?
6. What is one of the worst nightmares you have ever had?
7. What does your morning ritual look like?
8. If your life was a movie who would play you?
9. What do you do to relax?
10. What is something you would like to tell someone but are to afraid to?
11. Where do you feel most safe?
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