Monday, 3 August 2015

No Other You

I've been thinking about how I never remember dreams of you any more,
and how it seemed to convince you that my love was gone.
It appeared to hurt you so deeply so I try not to tell you how I can still feel you there,
How I just never seem to remember.
You've watched my words grow thin and my dreams disappear,
My motivation diminish,
Moods swinging haphazardly from the ceiling, wondering what will happen next.
When you're so happy to see me but I break out in anger,
You're excitement fades to a tired
"Not again"
I can't stand to see you hurt but I do it anyway.
Why do I do it.
I worry that I've scared you so badly you may never understand.
And I just can't explain;
How I no longer need to dream of you...
All I need to do is wake up.
I just need to open my eyes.
How the real you is far better then any you I could ever conjure in a dream.
And how I just can't write you justice.
The words sound too small. The thoughts come out wrong.
And though there are so many ways to describe beauty,
I find my self stuck with the task of describing something much more then any beauty I've encountered before.
I can't describe the amount of overwhelming cute you exude with just one look.
Or how I know if I never heard you say 'g-night' the way you do again I would be lost.
How you give me at the very least 3 kisses before we close our eyes,
And if I fall asleep before those 3 kisses how you are upset with me the next morning.
One time you were so upset you tried to sneak out without even saying goodbye;
Your stubborn stance when I woke up and asked for a kiss and you finally gave it to me. Begrudgingly, half heartedly.
But you never stay very angry for long.
And then I invade your face with mine and you're just annoyed.
They are those little things that make you, you.
That make it so hard to feel satisfied by any other hug when all I want is yours.
Or how you're the only person who can make my baby voice seem less ridiculous then it really is.
You're the tickle fight master even when I pretend that I'm not the least bit ticklish, "cross my heart".
Because one time someone told me if you ignore it, its not so much fun
And if its not so much fun people wont tickle you any more.
I hated that stupid tickle feeling.
But I just can't deny how amazing your smile feels when you break through just a little and I allow myself to feel it. Laughter ripping from our throats so loud I hope even Mar's can hear. 
I can't tell you how often I think about that smile.
I just can't believe its for me. 

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Are You Still There

Hello are you still there.
Can you still hear me, watching me with that intent but secret gaze.
Do you still inspect me with those bright careful eyes;
Do they wander my face admiring the dimples you use to kiss with such delight,
Do you monitor my mind with the same beautiful curiosity.
Does your breath still catch when I kiss you,
So slightly that it is almost unnoticeable.
I don't feel that gaze so intent any more,
The grip loosening and listening ears drifting.
The interest fading.
I love you more than ever. Please say you're still there.

Thursday, 2 April 2015

The Moment If It Comes

Once I found you, I couldn't help but stare and the obstacle of your eyes made my hair stand on end;
Knee buckled blindness, you were far too out of reach;
I worried you were much too star like, maybe you'd already burnt out.
If I was nervous you couldn't tell as you removed my heart and examined its purpose,
You watched as it beat and you asked why it murmured so loudly;
I wondered if you were annoyed with the way it made your head pound as you lay there;
And I could feel you press harder as though you were making sure it would not escape.
I could never have known then that I would later hold your heart too and we would beat as one,
Like waves breaking down the edge of a rock ,
I never knew my heart could be so powerful, never knew together we could be so unstoppable.
You could have left me there catatonic begging for your breath,
Singing with my soul for your touch, the one I never knew I'd have,
But I would miss as though it had always been a part of me if it ever disappeared.
That moment if it comes would be the death of me.

Monday, 9 March 2015

Jitter Bugs

They are jitters,
bugs crawling beneath my skin,
Leaving a tickle under there that doesnt make me laugh, it makes me uncomfortable and it spreads through my body.
My mind a toxic waste land spinning out tales of misery and what ifs,
Telling me that sleep doesn't exist in its world.
Anxiety isnt exciting,  it doesnt always give me butterflies, usually it gives me moths that skitter and jump and leave their disturbing dust everywhere;
Pounding relentlessly into my vital organs and trying to climb my throat.
Blocking the only exit "help" can escape from.
Sometimes its knawing at me from the inside out begging me to tear my skin off.
Mostly its misdirected anger, fear and a crying fit I can't take back.
When its here I'm afraid of what may happen
But when its gone im terrified of when it will be back.
And it will be back.
its only a matter of time before a tangled mess of jitter bugs are nesting in my mind Once again.

Monday, 9 February 2015

A Photo

Take the photographs I purposely left you out of
Burn them hopelessly beneath your eyes and once you're tired of them
Throw them away and never look back
Don't worry about how that part of me will go away with it
Know that time is meant to be lived, not captured.
When you see the fear in my eyes
Don't run
Pull the fear out, examine it, remind it not to be ignored.
Fear grows under pressure, it feeds on your anxiety.
Watch the memories in your mind until they no longer hold any meaning
Show them light and remember them for the way they were,
Remove yourself,
Don't daydream about words never said
And leave out your romanticized ideas of how things really went.

Hold the photographs I purposely left me out of close,
Imprint them confidently beneath your eye lids and once you believe them,
Breath there essence in and keep the scent in mind
Try not to mistake confidence for cockiness
Know that accepting your worth doesn't undermine it.
When you see fear in your eyes
Embrace it
Pull the fear out and remind yourself you're not alone.
Watch the memories in your mind when you need them,
Show them patience and understanding,
Remove yourself,
But allow yourself to fall in love with them
Say the words you never said and feel every moment.
Plan a little but be prepared for change
When an opportunity appears, consider it
And if it terrifies you beyond belief, take it.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015


You carve poems onto my tongue every time you kiss me,
Sign your name all over my body every time you touch me,
Write happiness into my smile every time you laugh,
Burn love into my heart every time you tell me that you love me,
Imprint beauty into my mind every time that I see you,
Your love shinning through my darkness like the northern lights,
Brilliant and colourful beyond words;
She laughs "Don't be silly, that's so freaking cheesy" and the clock melts into nothing, my cheeks get all rosy, I'd smile but I'm crazy and the lights bring me down.
Maybe I'm not a writer, words move through my throat like sandpaper as few as they come.
She's easy to breath, most beautiful creature I've ever seen.
Damn there I go again.

Monday, 12 January 2015

Just Her

I love her more than the night air breathing cool dreams into my lungs,
Sending blood pulsing through my veins like a freight train- she’s magic.
Comparable to a memory reminiscent of the days I wished I could fly, not far from the pictures I had painted myself out of; back when I believed it was weird to think of girls that way.
She is Picasso’s Blue Nude lady finally facing me,
Lips tight, posture grandly defeated, so impossibly and profoundly human- she swallows me whole.
I am her echoing heart beat, counting loudly the days until tomorrow.. 
Hoping there will be tomorrow;
As I reach for her in my sleep, always wondering if she will reach back, whispering darling I love you, make the anxious go away- she’s home.
She is the highest note in my favourite song, the one I can’t stop singing even when I get it wrong and her adorable not quite laughter is ringing in my ears.
I would hold her until my tired muscles grew still and my lungs sang their last ragged I love you;
Because that is what night air is to me and she is so very much more.